The Chapala Sunrise Rotary Club has been working for three years to bring clean water, on a consistent basis, to the village of Ojo de Agua on Lake Chapala. This tiny village of 300 people has only had access to water during the rainy season, from streams off of the hillside. Nevertheless, when we tested the stream water it was rated as one of the purest sources around the Lakeside. Working in partnership with the local municipal government of Poncitlán, drilling began early this month and a clean, water was found at 200 feet. The source appears to be sufficient to supply the village. Further testing of the water must be done by the State Water authorities.
Our Club has applied for a Global Grant, with international partner clubs of South San Francisco, Lincoln, CA, Fountain Hills, AZ and Winnipeg West, Manitoba to fund the holding tank, and distribution system and home water filters, throughout the village. In the meantime, club members are teaching water and sanitation classes in the village, using United Nations approved Project Wet materials.